Accessibility Statement.

Welcome to Dr. Anthony's website, where we prioritize accessibility for all users. Dr. Anthony, a renowned motivational speaker on inclusive leadership, has dedicated his life to promoting inclusion and full participation in society for everyone.

Through his keynote speeches, he addresses the greatest challenges CEOs face in leading inclusively, alongside the invaluable wins that traditional education often overlooks in diversity and inclusion. As the co-founder of Inclusive Creation and the creator of the Inclusion Game, Dr. Anthony champions universal design principles and advocates for diversity and inclusion at every opportunity.

While we have made every effort to ensure the highest levels of accessibility, we recognize that there may be areas for improvement. If you encounter any accessibility barriers while navigating our website, please don't hesitate to contact us so we can promptly address and resolve the issue.

Dr. Anthony acknowledges that despite his best efforts, he may fall short of his own aims and ambitions, but remains committed to creating a more inclusive world for all.

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